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Christina Hawkins

Hi! I am Christina L. Hawkins and I help consumers make informed insurance buying decisions.

Christina Hawkins's Bio:

  Christina L. Hawkins is a licensed insurance agent holding licenses in property & casualty, life, health and variable annuities. Currently, she enjoys helping humdreds of Americans make informed buying decisions about their healthcare plans each year. Over the course of ten years, she has gained extensive insurance knowledge that she uses to help insurance consumers. As evidenced in this profile, many of her accomplishments stem from her passion for serving others. Additionally, Christina is actively seeking opportunities to transfer her natural informative skill into a teaching role. She believes that every success she has enjoyed throughout her career is attributed to her ability to simplify complexities and increase understanding. In her view, it is one of life's greatest achievements to help others grow to reach their true potential.

Christina Hawkins's Experience:

Christina Hawkins's Education:

Christina Hawkins's Interests & Activities:

Marketing, singing, volunteer teaching and mentoring

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